Okay! edited, and posted it w/ pictures.... most pics I took myself.
Vro - Bass/Vox
Nonoy - Lead
M.A - Rhythm
Jay - Drums
Paganfire is a relatively well known band in the true underground & another local favorite of mine, I certainly wouldn't recommend them to people who are still getting into thrash but to seasoned thrashers the bands releases are a great addition to any collection. They have released a huge number of EP's,demos,rehearsal's,splits,full lengths and live albums most of them containing the same tracks with different recording
quality.Paganfire gigs are rare cause they only put on a show a few times a year. they have insanely strong stage presence and thrash harder than anybody around, in their early days they covered songs from Dark Angel,Slayer,Metallica,Kreator and Sodom
to name a few...
This is aN old interview I set up with Nonoy Padrejuan of Paganfire when I first got in contact with him around the time the Tasteless Revenge Re Issue was Released I WAS 15 going on 16. It seemed like a great idea at the time to publish this here since hearing paganfire opened me up to more obscure music.
Hey, good day Sir Nonoy! How are you guys today? Maybe a bit hung over? Hehe. Okay let’s start! Sana Maintindihan mo sulat ko hahaha…
1.)What does Paganfire represent and stand for? Introduce the band to the alcohol frenzied metal maniacs out there!
A:Greetings Carlos and to the readers of your zine! We are PAGANFIRE (PHI) the PHILIPPINES best kept secret and we are here to melt all your posing faces with our brand of thrash fuckin’ metal!

2.)What do you think of the local scene in general? Who do you guys think are the handful of like-minded individuals keeping the faith alive and What do you think are the key weakness in the scene today what needs to go, what mentalities are garbage?
A: The “scene”(as you call it) is a mix of mainstream-minded-trying-to-be-metal people, trendy consumers and overacting collectors. Same thing as 2001, only the “metal heads” of that time had decided to outgrow their phase in life in what they call “metal” and the kids have more fun today.(thanks to the internet!) rumor-mongering, downloading music and everything else in between. The metal brothers I consider to be true know who they are and need not be mentioned here. usual human misbehaviors like envy and jealousy have to be thrown away. Put up or shut the fuck up!
3.) What are the members main influences & who are their heroes and inspirations when it comes to music?
A: Personally I know the influences range from 70’s rock to virtually anything metal(except NU shit and TRENDY crap!) As a band, common names like SODOM,SLAYER,VENOM,MAIDEN etc. are common influences no need to put a long tedious list of heroes here as this will become sssooo bbbooorrringgg!!!
4.) Tell us about the band’s latest release on OCR “ Tasteless Revenge” is it a re-release does it contain any eXtra material? How many copies were made?
Yes it is a re-release of the 4 song E.P., we originally put out on tape last 2006 via Malaysia’s Hard Music Productions (R.I.P.), we just placed some re-mixes and demo tracks. 1000 copies have been pressed and we got our copies too. No new songs are on it, so if you want new stuff or stellar production, DONT FUCKIN’ BUY IT. (thanks a million 4 my copy - pao)

5.) I think it is impossible to see you guys at gigs not drinking, who is the heaviest drinker in the band? Been in any fights lately? Hehe.
Well It’s a gig right? What else is supposed to be done? The huge problem is when we have no more money left to buy more beer!!(That is a big problem I face too–pao) We are all binge drinkers! NO.
(L-R: Lito, Argh! forgot, Glenn, Yours truly, Vro,Jay? and Glenn of mass hyp.)
6.) By the way how is O.C.R. as a label been treating you guys? Can we expect any new
releases spawning in the near future? Or in any other label for that matter?
A: The label did everything they promised to do. (Press the C.D. and give us copies) Things can never be too perfect so to speak, I had a lot of ideas for the booklet,artwork etc. That had been junked and there are no printed flyers promoting it! Argh! BUT that nonsense doesn’t count anymore as finally after 2 years the material is here,as I know OCR has better distribution and network, the chances of “Tasteless..” landing in the hands of true maniacs is higher. The right time for the spewing forth of new material will come when it is least expected time frames are for ROCKSTARS! What label? It doesn’t matter.

Alvaro “VRO” Martin Jr. –Bass Attacque/Vox
Nonoy”SODOM” Padrejuan - Rhythm Guitar
Jay “STIX” Roco -Drums
Michael “M.A.” Angelo Molino –Lead Guitarist
7) Your thoughts on music pirates and metal radio. What do you think will happen if they get a hold of your demo’s? What if they contacted you asking for an intie? HAHAHA!
A: Music Pirates will never be stopped technology just makes it way too easy…Metal Radio? As for the other part of your question, that will not happen and I am not looking forward to or even an inch interested about it.
8) Looking back you guys have lots of thrashing under your belt & lots to show for it. How does recording a Pagandemo differ from LP’s, splits and live shits? Are most of your material live recordings?
You mean releases? Those are all products of hardwork and dedication. The demos are all live rehearsals while the material used for the LP, CD, etc. are all studio recordings, some recorded track by track some LIVE. Right now, we are thinking of other methods in the studio. Argh!!!

9.) Almost all Paganfire members work right? How do you guys pull it off? You and Vro also make zines The Scene(zine) & MetalHavoc respectfully. How does it affect the band? And vice-versa seems like a lot of WORK!
A: It all comes down to proper scheduling and commitment No need to explain this as I know your readers totally understand. The Zines we do have become dormant,as most time is eaten away by the band and the other bullshit life has to ffer. You bet your zine it is a huge amount of work,but that won’t stop me. Just wait and see.
10.)What’s your take on this back to thrash attitude and thrash metal resurgence movement happening for years now? Do you think this is just a trend or what? Do you happen to like any neo-thrash bands out there? What do you think of old bands reforming and making sucky albums?
A: Of course it is a trend, same shit happened in the late 90’s when the whole retrocrapthrash movement started then just died out later on. That’s what happens to trends, they come and go. I just checked out some “neo-thrash”(as you say) bands via the internet and received some in trades and all I can say is that they are blatantly unoriginal and some even hide their musical incompetence behind stellar production values,(none too different in the black metal trend for some years now!) I will just be a patient fucker and wait for all of them to wither away in the mainstream world they are in. Ho-Hum. I am not interested in old bands reformations just worthy of a listen or two, but after all is said and done, It’s nothing but their ancient material that is worthy!(amen. –pao)

(The Slaughtering of Poseurs, roughly translated)
11.) Any favorite movies, books, porn-stars or Japanese AV idols worth mentioning?
A: I read books about atrocities and serial killers, watch movies that are dark and intelligently done and enjoy watching MARIA OZAWA get fucked!
12.) Have you ever played a gig where there is only motionless FUCKS! And no crowd participation? What can you say about these individuals that sit around in gigs as if they were watching a movie or attending a piano recital? I’m sure you’re pretty pissed off people like that.
A: This happens all the time, thankfully I am seeing some action at ANK gigs. They should go home and do something else, painfully enough, I am getting used to it. HAHAHA.

14.)Paganfire spearheaded the davao city RIP-OFF BOYCOTT CAMPAIGN, Have you been ripped off by anyone of these fuckers?! Did anyone refrain from trading with you because you are from around here? Know any rip off artists by name?
A: After reading a lot of anti – davao posts, receiving letters from victims and getting ripped off myself, I decided to take action and be vocal on boycotting em all. I wasn’t refused of any trade or anything else because of my country of origin, I guess my reputation speaks for itself after all, hahaha. Watch out for GLENN CHOING of COTOBATO CITY and ACE MORANDANTE of DAVAO CITY

15.) When are you guys gonna release new songs?! I saw some of your material on various blogspots what can you say about this?
A: No time frames or schedules will be followed. The new stuff will come when it is least expected. I have no hand on our stuff being uploaded on the net, I can’t stop that. In the end , I know true maniacs will not rest on having just PAGANFILES as reference. Having the real thing ( CD, LP, TAPE etc.) on their hands is what counts!!!!!
16.) Can you tell me the reason why you guys choose to play only a few times a year? Seeing you guys play three to four songs then not coming back until next month or the month after, as a fan it honestly pisses me the FUCK OFF!
A: Simply because there are no good/killer gigs in sight, that;s why most of the time we just organize our own ANK shows, I am fascinated you look forward to our shitty live sets,hahaha(if shitty is a synonym of FUKING AWESOME then yes your sets are very shitty –pao) There are many bands out there hungry for the gigs and “exposure” let’s just say our stepping aside will give them the chance to hit center-stage, whatever the fuck that means.
17.) Do you think the people,media and critics that are keeping the flame surrounding Paganfire controversies BURNING helped you guys promote yourselves and hyped you guys up when you were just starting??
A: What do you think of me?? A noontime show host? HAHAHA.. As far as I am concerned, they hyped the so called controversies for themselves at our expense. Good luck to them! HAHAHA, Rumor Mongers are nothing but useless dolts and the people who believe them are GAY.
A: Anything, new releases? More shows? Nah, I don’t need to unveil em here as I know no one cares anyway. BEWARE!
19.) THIS IS MY LAST Q. As I’ve been barraging you with fucking useless questions all intie! HAHAHA. For the last time can you tell me the story of how you insane thrashers all met? How did your latest guitarist JOIN Paganfire?
THRASH GROUPIES . . . FACT OR JUST UTTER BULLSHIT? A: Our drummer(Jay Roco ex-resurrected) , and me decided to form a band after he got booted out/quit/fired/???/ from his previous bands, we had a line-up and played a handful gigs, some years later the other guys were gone, then I met Vro(Alvaro Martin Jr.) because of our zines, I asked him to play with us(after he saw us play at a SPITFIREPRODS gig) and the rest is history. The newest member M.A.(Michael Angelo Molino) is our lead axe-man. I know he responded to an ad put out by our drummer via the net. Thrash Groupies??? Unless I fuck one soon it will be treated as myth. Hahaha.
20.) I GUESS THAT WILL BE ALL!!! Fuck! Keep up the poser SLAUGHTER And see you thrashers LIVE! Any last words of drunken wisdom? Tell them how to get your shit! Thank some people you know or FUCK with the people you HATE.
A: Thanks to you Carlos for the interest and doing this interview! Keep the metal faith alive! Anyone interested can drop us a line , contact me:
NONOY PADREJUAN #60 NARIG ST. VETERANS VILLAGE PROJECT 7, 1105, QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES keep your eyes and ears open for more stuff soon!!