Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Basag ang Pula zine.

Dear Omel,
kahit streyt eds ka na ngayon isa ka paring kampyon na makata nang mga api at nahihirapang taong bayan, mga nakondisyon nang lipunan. Isa kang henyoso ,sa galaw nang iyo'ng bolpen na eenkapsulate mo ang realidad sa lahat nang masaklap na katutohanan nito. .
Napasulat mo tuloy ako nang tagalog, samok hirap kaayo.

Basag ang Pula zine #1 and #2 - An esoteric, Tagalog written, fury of thoughts, an outlet for the immense disdain towards society and authority the editor feels strongly about. There are some pieces of fiction that are dark and hopeless, tackling the inherent evil side of humanity; escapism, infidelity, amoral violence and a shit ton of disturbing things. There are also some personal compositions mostly having the same themes in them and a feeling of intense self-hate and worthlessness. Handwritten on paper, the layout is semi-sleazy reflecting gritty reality and the hopelessness of it all. An incredibly awesome read, “Power Jakol” Omel’s words paint a pretty bleak picture of the real streets of Metro Manila behind the thin veil of glamour and pretense, he makes you realize as you read through Basag Ang Pula’s pages that dystopia is here in the Philippines and we have been conditioned to live in it with all of its deprivation, terror and oppression. I hope he puts more of his fucked up-ness on paper and xerox it soon…very soon. Power Jakol? Preach on Omel, preach on. The motherfucker should start writing more about music on Cavity Search, a PV-centric zine which he co-writes with his brother bitch Som.

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