Saturday, July 21, 2012

Food Trip

I remember this story I read

about Baguio, there's this
na nag aapear lang to lost travellers
At sobrang sarap nang bullalo
one day a couple was lost and hungry
they found this diner
there was a lot of parked cars outside and they were hoping
to get a seat
upon entering
there was nobody there, they were seated almost immediately and served a bowl of hot soup
people were kind and attentive
When they finished their respective meals
The employees kept giving them extra courses and desserts keeping them from leaving
After having left, they said it was the best meal they ever had
having found their way to their lola's home
they related the experience to their relatvies
They said that those people were monsters in sheeps clothing
serving up slabs of human steaks
and boiling human bones for hours on end to make bullalo
and only appears once in a blue moons haze
"It was a good thing you left there before sun down"
"you could've been next on the menu"
ang creepy nung putanignang story na yun
Nirelay ko badly
pero that's the gist of it
Just remembered
When they trekked back to where the diner was located
There was nothing there, no cars, no trees,no clue of any civilization, no hints of anything. It was as if the diner had only exsisted on their minds.

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