I first got acquainted with Joab's great work in RTC's fifth issue featuring local fanzine peeps IRH, Konspirazine and Incidental Afterthought, I got it from IA's crazy editor Joseph when I first met him at GPH's second SEA PHI tour. #5 is humorous, smooth and cool as fuck. Chippy? Chippy rules man. Thinking back I emailed him a few years back for a trade but I didn't reply or something hahahaha. I'm an asshole. Anyways, I met RTC's editor personally, amidst a barrage of alcohol in the form of Red Horse beer and liempo-core accompaniments which Joseph grandly provided in the usual hang out/rendezvous place of crazy-ass subverts, Andoks, Quiapo(yehey!) I finally got more copies of RTC through a trade, I still owe the guy ahaha.
Joseph bought a lot of drinks for all of us(belated happy b-day!). Made me drunk and gave me a helluva hangover, I feel like a goddamn freeloader each time I'm with these crazy bastards, they give and give and I take and take! Hopefully when I get a paying job I can reciprocate hahahaha.. Everyone of us was laughing our asses of, fucking awesome day starter. Omel Basag Ang Pula/sister bastard of
Power Jakol fame was present how could it no be an awesome alcohol session? hehe. We commuted to the gig place only after we have emptied a ton of bottles. crazy crazy.
A Dead Scene's gig was quality throughout fun and positive punk energy.
Syrrup, who's very limited cult demo was released on the hush-hush under the table on this particular event are 2 parts Sister Bastard 1 part Incidental Afterthought. They started the night with their feedback laden(to borrow a term I heard from RTC's editor hehe) punk injected(in the case of my favorite track Oroquieta's outro at least) sludge fest playing tracks from their demo to an early audience. It was an awesome experience and the motherfuckers should get a bass player ASAP or make Som use a splitter to utilize both amps at least for added motherfucking boss-ness.
Now this is the part where my memory betrays me. Alcohol might have been a factor.
Sister Bastard was destined to go up next and they wrecked the place with their brand of hardcore PV, short and sharp,Omel's bass tone was awesome and overshadowed Som's guitar volume to a fault, each fast start of a track paves way to relentless bursts of speed and aggression up to its abrupt finish as Omel consults his notebook for the next track, kickass. SB ruled.. It was my first time watching them not totally wrecked by weed and drink. I have no idea what constitutes for PV but if this is what it sounds like then count me in for more. I need to listen to some Man Is The Bastard, No Comment and Spazz'n shit. It's my mission before the 3rd issue is out.
I forgot the order in which bands played in after this but Jahannam was cool refreshing post-rockish sludgy over my head stuff. I need to listen to them again and maybe this time get a copy of their demo. Hopefully soon.
Surrogate Prey was super kickass, droning sludge metal of the finest caliber. I hope they put out a demo soon. I sat down when they played and just closed my eyes, absorbed their music in all of its negativity and filth. Great great stuff. Only a few local slow tempo'ed bands can never overstay their welcome and SP's one of them.
I am motherfucking hungry and need to cook some Tinola for my dad and grandma. so this should be quick.
I'm a big fan of Killratio, they ruled the night. Zepol's vocals were as insane and intense as ever. The guy rules. They went through the KR repertoire. Zero Tolerance, Gutom, The Parade + a few I didn't recognize. I got to get a copy of KR's Not Dead Yet and 4 Way split w/ Eskapo,La Grita and IOD, shit is spinning as we speak. I also bought a KR shirt at this gig. They ruled. These guys are always a treat to watch live. Their studio outputs = no match for their live ferocity.
Execution of Terror played all new songs to my ears, stench-core bastards are heavy as fuck. I was only familiar with their Kill or be Killed stuff up to this point. To me, from more of a metal head guy perspective, they definitely have thrashy metal parts that could be on Hellhammer and Celtic Frost records, they sound metallic as fuck and that's why they rule so much. The old tracks pale in comparison to the onslaught of the new compositions.
The last band to officially play was political-anarcho d-beat sounding, A//Political styled dude/girl trade offs and chanting, speech intro's and shit with an added bongo player, Conflict of Interest. They were awesome definitely.
After their set, the gig ended too early, the bar announced that it was still open for free jamming or something. Syrrup played another set of their brand of sludge. Everyone in our group was either drunk or sleepy. Crazy night. The bar blacked out soon after. We all went home while a typhoon was happening hahaha. Fucking crazy.
Need to cook. G'day.
I almost forgot.
Thanks to Don Mario and Dane for the KR stuffs.
KR rules Ilovethisband.